Appointment Information
How do I schedule an appointment?
Please call the office to schedule an appointment.
How do I change or cancel an appointment?
If you need to cancel or change an appointment, please let us know 24 hours in advance.
Do I need a referral?
Dr. Wagner accepts new patients regardless of referral.
What should I bring to my first appointment?
New patients should bring their insurance card and drivers license or ID. Most insurance companies also require that the patient pay a co-payment for doctor visits--please bring a form of payment to your appointment.
If this is your first appointment and you currently take prescrption medications, please bring them with you.
How do I prepare for an EMG?
If you will be having an EMG, please refrain from using any skin lotions or moisturizers before coming to the office on the day of your test. These can interfere with the results of your study.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00am to 5:00pm
Contact Info
(615) 885-0110
(615) 885-8110
Copyright 2014. Martin H. Wagner, M.D. All rights reserved.